As some of you may have noticed, the activity on this blog has been very low for the past two months. That has to do with the server that this blog lies on. For some reason the surver got full, and I thought something had gone wrong with the program Word Press that I use. I had just updated it, so I figured I’d missed something. But when I tried to reinstall it, everything just got messed up because there was no space to reinstall… Anyway, it has taken some time to fix it, but now all should be back to normal again.
During this time Mr. Springsteen has presented a new song for us fans. Workin’ on a Dream was played during the wake for the now elected president Barack Obama. As the news tells us there will be a new record by the same name in January 27th. Of course there will be a tour, but the dates are yet to be official.
On Mr. Springsteen’s official site we are presented with the tracks of the upcoming album and the list reads like this:
“Working on a Dream” Song Titles:
1. Outlaw Pete
2. My Lucky Day
3. Working on a Dream
4. Queen of the Supermarket
5. What Love Can Do
6. This Life
7. Good Eye
8. Tomorrow Never Knows
9. Life Itself
10. Kingdom of Days
11. Surprise, Surprise
12. The Last Carnival
Bonus track:
The Wrestler
You can listen to Workin’on a Dream on You Tube.
This means it’s time for me to really get working on MY dream. If this Photo book about the Springsteen fans and our film should ever be finished, we better start working…