Tomorrow never knows

There has been busy days this week. In December last year Mr. Springsteen started to promote the new material from his record and as I posted then, it soon became clearthat the new album would be released on January 27th. The Title song, as well as The Wrestler and My Lucky Day was released via and Springsteen’s own official website.

The date for the Swedish release of the album varied a bit, but eventually the record was in the stores on the weekend before the US release date. There has been quite a lot of commotion about the cover. Fans even started a group on Facebook to make Springsteen change the cover since many thougt it was so ugly.

I joined the group on Facebook, because I really thought the cover was hideous. But now, with the result in my hand I must admit that I kind of like it. Or, rather, I approve of the style the pictures are made in, I do not like the cover so much, but there are some nice pics in the album.

Of course the rumors of a new tour started buzzing, and eventually the date for the ticket release was out. It was set on January 26th. Since these last days has been very hectic I take the liberty of posting what happened last Monday. So just scroll down a bit and I’ll tell you.

Big Muddy

After a tour it can get a bit lonely. No more travelling, no more shows, no more music and no more talking to Bruce friends. As the tour is still on, Springsteen and the band are back in the states now, there is still setlists to follow.

Some fans also go deep down in the vaults to dig out the statistics about the shows they’ve seen, the songs they’ve heard and how many times they’ve heard it.

I check in on the swedish fan forum regularly, and following a discussion there I decided to make my own statistics.

Funny enough I found out that I’ve actually seen 26 shows over the years instead of 24 as I asumed. Counting has never been one of my strong sides… 😀

I saw my first show in 1992 when Springsteen brought the Human Touch/Lucky Town tour to Stockholm and the Globe arena. In 1999 was the first year that I saw multiple shows (the two ones at Stockholm Stadium) and 2002 I saw my first show abroad, in Barcelona, Spain.

I haven’t really been touring that much, six shows is the most I’ve seen on a tour. That happened 2003 when I saw all the Nordic shows, in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. This year I also saw six concerts, in Milan, Copenhagen, Göteborg and Barcelona.

During these 16 years that I’ve been to Springsteen’s concerts I’ve heard 176 songs, if I’ve not counted wrong. The five most frequent songs I’ve heard are Badlands (20 times), Born to Run (20 times), The Promised Land (20 times), The Rising (19 times) and Bobby Jean (16 times).

It took some time to work this out, but thanks to Brucebase I made it. But I think I have to work out a better way to keep order on my statistics than this calculating sheet I used. I don’t think I’ve used the full potential of my computer programme for that. Now it’s to much of a Big Muddy…

Land of Hope and Dreams

The line starts here.

Tomorrow Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band will be playing in Europe. With three shows in Dublin the European leg starts off and soon we will have reason to bring out the signs, the tents, the guitarrs and line up, for the shows.

I will attend my first show for this year in Milan, Italy. It’s only a month left! How time flies… 😀

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