Restless nights

20090603_kl2132wI know, I know, I know, it’s been ages since I updated… There’s no excuse, all the would’a, could’a, should’a won’t help, I still did’nt do it. But it has been calm on this front, so I’ll try to make up for it now as things are heating up again.

The Working on a Dream Tour is well on it’s way, the American leg is finished and Springsteen and the E Street Band came to Europe last weekend when they played the Pinkpop festival in Holland. Yesterday they played in Tampere, Finland and now they are here in Stockholm, getting ready for three shows at Stadion. The first one is tomorrow, the next on Friday and the last on Sunday, so there will be a busy weekend. I’ve been feeling kind of low, not particularly into it, but today I got the Fever again. I’ve been listening carefully to the album, watching dvd:s from recent tours and suddenly the passion came back. I’m really looking forward to the shows, though I don’t like the look of this weekends weather charts. I’ts going to rain, and it’s quite cold, so it’ll be a though time waiting.

I hope that the crowd is going to be nice, reports on the swedish fan forum says there are already 200 people in line. I’m a little nervous about getting a good spot, but at the same time I try not worry so much. I’ll be working until lunch time tomorrow, so I can’t go there early anyway. Besides, there are two more shows, so there’ll be time for standing in line. It’ll work out some how.

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