Blinded By the Light

This has been a weekend that won’t fade away easily!

It started on Thursday, Mikael and I were travelling in different cars to Gothenburg. Due to traffic jam we got there too late to film and we had some trouble with the tape to Mikael’s camera. We ended up being regular audience only, with no shooting except fore some still pictures.

Anyway, the show was ok, but sitting on the balcony was not. It’s too far away and for me it was like watching tv. No matter how hard Bruce was pelasing the audience it was difficult to be moved by the performance. Afterwards we had to rush for Stockholm and we didn’t get much sleep that night.

Back in Stockholm on midsummer’s eve we went to the cellar vault in the Old town to prepare it for the Saturday party. It took a while and we didn’t have time for that much celebrating, we were too tired.

Saturday started out nicely, after a quick look at the cellar vault, checking that everything was ok, we went to the pub Backstreets were we were to film. Ingela arrived from Umeå shortly after and her friend Lars, our sound tecnichian, had come too. As people started to come to the pub we interviewed them. We were really busy up to the point where Mikael and I had to go inside to see the concert.

It was fabulous, light years better than the show in Gothenburg with a lot of new songs. We got Downbond Train, Walk like a Man, and Blinded by the Light! After the concert we took a taxi to the Old town and it wasn’t long before people started coming to the party. Ingela and Lars kept on filming while Mikael were standing at the door and I was tending bar. We had some hundred people over and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. It wasn’t until 3 a.m that people started to leave.

It had been a long day, but a very beautiful one and we had succedeed in raising some money for the film. Today we also had the time to talk about the film and the future of the project. It’s all looking very good!

We’ll get an answer from Film i Västerbotten next week if they’re prepared to finance our film and we keep our fingers crossed. It would be nice to have their support!

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