Long Time Comin’

There sure has been a long time comin’, but now I’m back.

The activity with the film has been low in the past few years. But Bruce Springsteen and E Street Band has been busy. The saxophone player Clarence Clemons passed away on June 18th 2011 after a stroke, but that hasn’t stopped Springsteen and the band from turning out records and playing. The new album Wrecking Ball was released on March 6th 2012 and the band is currently on tour.

I went to see them in Berlin on May 30th. And tomorrow I’m heading to Gothenburg for the double shows at Ullevi on July 27th and 28th.

It feels starange to see the band without Clarence Clemons, but his nephew Jake is doing a good job on the saxophone. Springsteen has also added a horn section which gives the band a great sound. And Eddie Manion (sax), Curt Ramm (trumpet), Barry Danielian (trumpet), Clark Gayton (trombone) is really great, all of them.

The work with the photobook has progressed, the book is currently at the printers and I hope to be able to start selling it as soon as it has been thoroughly checked for typos.



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